The body amazes me EVERY SINGLE DAY! Lisa WilcoxJanuary 29, 2021physical therapy, Solstice Physical Therapy, @solsticePT, body, bodywork, myofascial release, westminster, northglenn, thornton, erie, brighton, arvada, broomfield, denverComment
I'm back!!! Tales from my pregnancy, delivery, recovery and return to work. UncategorizedLisa WilcoxNovember 5, 2018@solsticePT, child birth, childbirth, daycare, delivery, doula, exercise, j breathing, labor, midwife, midwive, perineal massage, physical, physical therapy, post partum, postpartum, pregnancy, pregnant, prenatal, recovery, Solstice, Solstice Physical Therapy, therapy, walk, workComment
Is foot pain keeping you from your favorite activities, or even just getting out of bed in the morning? physical therapy, UncategorizedLisa WilcoxNovember 28, 2017@solsticePT, Brooks, calf, calf stretch, fasciitis, foot, foot pain, heel, heel pain, orthotic, orthotics, pain, physical, plantar, plantar fasciitis, private physical therapy, running shoes, shoe, Solstice, Solstice Physical Therapy, Superfeet, therapyComment
Shoulder, shoulder blade, upper back pain and/or pain radiating down the back of the arm? Could it be DNS? UncategorizedLisa WilcoxNovember 18, 2017@solsticePT, back, broomfield, burning, colorado, denver, dorsal scapular, dorsal scapular nerve, levator, levator scapulae, Lisa Wilcox, neck, nerve, pain, pec, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, physical, physical therapy, private, private physical therapy, release, scapula, shoulder, shoulder blade, shoulder pain, Solstice Physical Therapy, therapy, thornton, westminsterComment
Grand Opening Solstice PT’s Grand-Opening was a great success!! Read More UncategorizedLisa WilcoxSeptember 17, 2017@solsticePT, broomfield, colorado, cupping, denver, dry needling, erie, myofascial release, northglenn, physical therapy, private, private physical therapy, PT, thornton, westminsterComment