Posts tagged pain
Six Exercises for Preventing Pain on the Bicycle

How to prevent pain and injury when cycling – 6 exercises that are beneficial for any healthy rider to stay healthy.

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Shoulder, shoulder blade, upper back pain and/or pain radiating down the back of the arm? Could it be DNS?
Rotator cuff tear? See a PT first!

Do you have shoulder pain or suspect a rotator cuff tear? Most of the time, physical therapy can return you back to full and pain-free function without needing surgery. See a PT first!

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Physical Therapy...are you looking for more than just a hot pack and exercise?

Physical therapy is more than just exercise and a hot pack. Look for a physical therapist that spends one-on-one time with you, that really listens and performs hands-on or “manual” therapy.

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Not all Dry Needling is created equal

Dry needling can be performed in a gentle way the provides immediate pain relief, a decrease in muscle tightness and does not leave the patient with significant soreness.

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