Posts tagged dry needling
Rotator cuff tear? See a PT first!

Do you have shoulder pain or suspect a rotator cuff tear? Most of the time, physical therapy can return you back to full and pain-free function without needing surgery. See a PT first!

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Not all Dry Needling is created equal

Dry needling can be performed in a gentle way the provides immediate pain relief, a decrease in muscle tightness and does not leave the patient with significant soreness.

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Dry Needling by Solstice PT - FAQ

Dry needling is a very helpful treatment for muscle tension, muscle spasm, muscle tightness, pain, swelling, bruising, ligament and tendon inflammation, fibromyalgia and many more conditions. It is much more effective when combined with massage than just massage alone.

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Does pregnancy have to be painful?

Pregnancy does not have to be accompanied by low back, pelvic, sacroiliac or sciatic pain. Physical therapists can provide treatment and education to alleviate pain during and after pregnancy.

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